Federal Minister for Indigenous Affairs Jenny Macklin said the joint management would help “strengthen the relationship between indigenous and other Australians”.
“All Australians will forever share the park’s wild beauty, and understand more of the unique and complex Aboriginal ,”Christian Louboutin she said.
Mr Wunungmurra said about 20,000 people visited the 13,000 square kilometre park each year and that he expected the number of interstate and international tourists to increase.
“Indigenous workers will also be encouraged to undertake contracting works within the park to set up tourism ventures,”Christian Louboutin Boots he said.
Representatives, young and old, from the Ngaliwurru, Ngarinyman, Nungali, Bilinara, Malngin, Karrangpurru, Wardaman, Jaminjung and Gurrindgji countries joined in the celebration this week, and enjoyed plenty of traditional entertainment and bush tucker.
It was the Gurrindgji people in 1966 who started the land title movement in Australia, when they walked off Wave Hill Station in protest against work and pay conditions.
Their protest, along with the bark petition from Yirrkala, led the Whitlam government to prepare the Aboriginal Land Rights Act.
In 2004, the NT government amended the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow the joint management of 27 parks and reserves.
According to a report in state-controlled The New Light of Myanmar on Wednesday, U Thaung’s message to the US envoy was ambiguous. While acknowledging that the Burmese government had publicly announced its agreement to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions 1718 and 1874, U Thaung also said the Burmese government has “the duty to maintain and protect national sovereignty.”
Following the meeting with U Thaung, Christian Louboutin Flats the US envoy issued a strong warning concerning Burma’s arms purchases from North Korea, which some analysts suspect includes nuclear technology.
And after leaving Burma, Campbell flew to Beijing, where his discussions with Chinese officials regarding North Korea are expected to include the relationship between Pyongyang and Naypyidaw.
US-based policy advisers have warned Washington that ties between Burma and North Korea threaten regional stability.
“Several factors could intensify the threat that Burma poses to regional stability and security, including its murky relationship with North Korea,”christian louboutin black said Asia Society, an influential New York think-tank, in a report on Burma published in March.
“All Australians will forever share the park’s wild beauty, and understand more of the unique and complex Aboriginal ,”Christian Louboutin she said.
Mr Wunungmurra said about 20,000 people visited the 13,000 square kilometre park each year and that he expected the number of interstate and international tourists to increase.
“Indigenous workers will also be encouraged to undertake contracting works within the park to set up tourism ventures,”Christian Louboutin Boots he said.
Representatives, young and old, from the Ngaliwurru, Ngarinyman, Nungali, Bilinara, Malngin, Karrangpurru, Wardaman, Jaminjung and Gurrindgji countries joined in the celebration this week, and enjoyed plenty of traditional entertainment and bush tucker.
It was the Gurrindgji people in 1966 who started the land title movement in Australia, when they walked off Wave Hill Station in protest against work and pay conditions.
Their protest, along with the bark petition from Yirrkala, led the Whitlam government to prepare the Aboriginal Land Rights Act.
In 2004, the NT government amended the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow the joint management of 27 parks and reserves.
According to a report in state-controlled The New Light of Myanmar on Wednesday, U Thaung’s message to the US envoy was ambiguous. While acknowledging that the Burmese government had publicly announced its agreement to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions 1718 and 1874, U Thaung also said the Burmese government has “the duty to maintain and protect national sovereignty.”
Following the meeting with U Thaung, Christian Louboutin Flats the US envoy issued a strong warning concerning Burma’s arms purchases from North Korea, which some analysts suspect includes nuclear technology.
And after leaving Burma, Campbell flew to Beijing, where his discussions with Chinese officials regarding North Korea are expected to include the relationship between Pyongyang and Naypyidaw.
US-based policy advisers have warned Washington that ties between Burma and North Korea threaten regional stability.
“Several factors could intensify the threat that Burma poses to regional stability and security, including its murky relationship with North Korea,”christian louboutin black said Asia Society, an influential New York think-tank, in a report on Burma published in March.