
Fat diet is the reason

Female body is most concerned about things, all want a slim slim figure, in the end there is a good how to build it? Important diet, diet is also very important, eating habits and as diverse as their personalities, Xiao Bian summarize for everyone to come down some poor eating habits, good attention to everyone! Because eating habits are related to your body. Diet ssnn.net 1, multitask-type eating dinner while watching TV, eating breakfast while watching the newspaper, eating while listening to music, watching movies at home, snacks, all prepared Gengshi Bi cinema also. A film not coming to an end, often a whole bag of potato chips or popcorn had bottomed out a child. If you want to do that is versatile, then your diet should be multitasking personality type. Destructive: New York's Cornell University by Professor Wang Jinke Brian found: people who eat while watching TV, more often than those who concentrate on your food intake of 20% -60% more calories. Responses: one to dinner time, the best immediately turn off the TV and concentrate on enjoying your cuisine. Enjoy your food, should be willing to eat, eat well, eat sweet. While doing other things while eating, the consequences are eating fast, eat more. Select eat nutritious, low calorie foods, and use small utensils Sheng satisfied. Even if you sometimes can not change this bad habit of watching TV, because not have to stand up to eat and often add the food to feel full of information for the brain to win enough time. 50,000 U.S. medical scientists recently conducted a survey of women, the results show that the TV screen flashing light at night can lead to the human body the secretion of stress hormones, human sleep and the burning of body fat will therefore be subject to interference. Therefore, it is best to go to bed an hour before it will turn off the TV. 2, frustrated binge stocks fell, blowing the promotion, salary reduction, the lover is gone, and when the frustration or disappointment to visit you, you always can not help but open the refrigerator, which will store all the food raids a space to eat a big meal to comfort himself; sometimes, but also 一杯接一杯 to drink, try drinking to forget. Your home refrigerators often do you loot a certain period? Then your character should be frustrated binge eating type. Destructive: the refrigerator? Well it goes without saying destructive power, weight gain or small, will probably not admitted to a hospital burn the incense. Solution: Do not bothering just like a refrigerator encounter rivalry, punching bag may wish to replace the phone, face adversity, give friends and family call, talk to your frustration to their unpleasant emotions, the heart fully to vent out anger. 3, empathy type eat food just to fill its belly can, they even kind of spiritual sustenance, food can be used to suppress the emotional excitement or impulsive. When people feel a certain environment, or feel it difficult to adjust, such as the "window period", then the food will need to provide warmth and protection. In particular, some high-fat, high-calorie food, eat it and soon felt very comfortable. You also like to high-fat, high-calorie foods for protection?Christian Louboutin shoes Then your diet should be food empathy personality type. Destructive: eat high-fat high-calorie food, not only causes weight gain, but also make you feel sleepy and weak, because the oils in the food in the meal into fat over time into the blood vessels,Christian louboutin Black small fat block will plug the brain and muscle capillaries. If such a diet has always insisted, but also the incidence of many diseases, are greatly enhanced. Solution: Do not attempt to seek protection from food, food not as good as the letter the letter himself, to find some more to their own interest, at the same time help raise their self-confidence to do things, when you begin to truly love yourself, you will not be obsessed with such food.

